sábado, 24 de febrero de 2024

Improve skills

Chile is the second country with the best English skills in Latin America

Catalina Marconi, 10 OCT 2022 07

The study "Taking Global Opportunities For People”, prepared by the Chilean startup Poliglota, analyzed the linguistic skills of various countries in the region. Among other things, the report showed that men are more interested than women in studying another language and that more than half of the people who want to learn another language are between 26 and 36 years old.

What is the level of English of Chileans like? What are the main motivations for studying another language? These and other questions related to language learning were answered by a study prepared by the Chilean startup Poliglota, which also carried out an analysis at the Latin American level.

According to the report, the language most requested by Chileans is English, which represents 79.65% of requests to learn another language. They are followed, by far, by Portuguese with 6.19% of the demand, Italian with 5.09% and French and German with 5.09% and 4.8%, respectively.

Regarding English, the study says that, although schools in Chile have study programs from basic levels of education, only 2% of the population really masters the language.

The classification that measures the level of English proficiency is divided into A1 and A2 (basic level), B1 and B2 (intermediate level) and C1 and C2 (advanced level). 41.56% of students in Chile, upon entering Poliglota courses, arrive at level A1, followed by 32.15% at level A2, so none of the skills are structured and even people are not able to recognize them. Their understanding, according to the study, is very basic, since they assimilate words and only use simple phrases or expressions.

Meanwhile, considering the level of English by gender, in Chile 51.8% of the people who most seek to learn languages ​​are men, versus 48.2% of women. However, when the courses begin, it is the men who have a lower level of the language. Regarding the most developed skills of Chileans, when they begin English courses associated with their level (basic A1, A2), it is reflected that they can have basic interactions on everyday topics with very simple and simplified structures. The second most developed skill is listening, where they can recognize simple phrases as long as they are spoken slowly and clearly.

Among the least developed skills are literacy (writing and reading) and speaking. Regarding the first, Chileans at basic levels are able to write single words and short phrases, as well as recognize common words within texts. Meanwhile, in relation to speaking ability, Chileans have a restricted linguistic repertoire based on short words, thus limiting opportunities to communicate with others. Language proficiency at the Latin American level

Currently, in Latin America only 2% of the population masters all English skills and is able to communicate, while the other bulk of the population is at basic levels or even has no knowledge of another language. According to the study, the 10 countries that have the most developed skills to communicate in English in Latin America are Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Peru, Panama, Costa Rica, Colombia, Uruguay, Brazil and Venezuela. 29.27% ​​of the people who enroll in English courses at Poliglota have an A2 level of the language and 26.8% are at the A1 level, that is, more than half of the students (56.07 %), when beginning the English courses, they are at a basic level, which means that their knowledge of English only allows them to understand simple phrases, but they are not able to maintain a fluid conversation with a person or deliver more ideas. complex.

Regarding age ranges, in Latin America, 59.2% of people who want to learn another language are between 26 and 36 years old, followed by those between 16 and 26 years old (18.1%) and then from 36 to 46 years (17.2%). Of all of them, 71% are workers from different industries or institutions, mainly.


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